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Chest Pain 7.0
All Providers
- Focused history and physical exam
- Assess for signs or symptoms suggestive of ischemia or infarction
- OPQRST mnemonic - (onset, provocation or palliation, quality, radiation, severity, timing)
- Ask patient (male or female) if they have taken erectile dysfunction medication in the past 2 days
- Cardiac monitor, ETCO2 if available, pulse oximetry, 12 lead EKG (transmit if possible)
- Treatment Plan
- Oxygen therapy only as needed to target 94%
- Aspirin 325 mg po if not allergic
- Nitroglycerin 0.4 mg SL, or 1 NitroSpray SL every 5 minutes as long as chest pain symptoms persist and SBP >100 mmHg, maximum of 3 doses
- Do not administer if use of erectile dysfunction medication in the previous 2 days
- Advanced airway if needed
- Vascular access
- If hypotension after nitroglycerin administration, administer 500 ml LR and withhold further nitroglycerin
- Pain medications per Pain Management Protocol
- **Contact OLMC for further instructions**
Pediatric (Not to exceed adult dose)
- Consider asthma, foreign body, infection, trauma
- **Contact OLMC for further instructions**