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CVA / Stroke 8.0
All Providers
- Focused history and physical exam
- Blood glucose, assess temperature, oxygen saturation
- Obtain LAST KNOWN WELL information
- Cardiac monitor, ETCO2, pulse oximetry, consider 12 lead EKG
- Treatment Plan
- Rapid Transport
- Transport to a Stoke Receiving Facility, ALERT FACILITY OF SUSPECTED
- Pediatric Considerations
- Children can have strokes
- Risk factors: sickle cell, heart disease, head/neck infections, head trauma, dehydration
- Evaluate and document Cincinnati Stroke Scale
- Facial Droop
- Normal: both side of face move equally
- Abnormal: one side does not move
- Arm Drift
- Normal: both arms move equally
- Abnormal: one arm drifts
- Speech
- Normal: patient uses correct words, no slurring
- Abnormal: slurred, inappropriate, or mute
- Advanced airway if needed, vascular access per IV/IO Access and Fluid Therapy Protocol
Pediatric (not to exceed adult dose)
- Evaluate and document Cincinnati Stroke Scale
- Facial Droop
- Normal: both side of face move equally
- Abnormal: one side does not move
- Arm Drift
- Normal: both arms move equally
- Abnormal: one arm drifts
- Speech
- Normal: patient uses correct words, no slurring
- Abnormal: slurred, inappropriate, or mute
- Advanced airway if needed, vascular access per IV/IO Access and Fluid Therapy Protocol