string(11) "/protocols/"
Dispatch should be notified of the need for a second ambulance. Dispatch should be notified immediately upon the need for rescue, fire, or law enforcement personnel. Dispatch should be notified immediately upon the need for mutual aid responding EMS units from Brown or Seneca EMS. An estimate of the number of units required and need for air versus ground should be indicated. In situations where mutual aid will be exhausted, the incident commander should notify dispatch of the need for Nemaha County Emergency Manager to request State assistance.
Sabetha EMS may provide mutual aid to another area EMS service when requested and staff is available. The mutual aid request will be received by dispatch. This request will be passed on immediately to the on-call EMS staff. If appropriate resources are available, the requesting agency will be notified. During any such response, Sabetha EMS policies and protocols will be followed. Patients should be transported to the closest and most appropriate facility, as determined by the scope, location, and nature of the incident.