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19.0 Shock
All Providers
- Focused history and physical exam
- Blood glucose, oxygen saturation, temperature assessment
- Consider shock in one or more of the following:
- Vital signs: HR greater than 100, SBP less than 90 mmHg for adults, less than 70 + (age in years x 2) mmHg for peds
- Skin signs: cold, clammy skin, febrile, or delayed capillary refill
- Mental statue: altered, lethargic, or irritable
- Evaluate for possible source
- Distributive
- Hypovolemic
- Neurologic
- Cardiogenic
- Continuous cardiac, pulse oximetry when available
- Obtain a 12 lead EKG when available
- Treatment Plan
- Address the underlying cause if possible
- Administer supplemental oxygen to maintain saturations of 92%
- Ensure patient warmth, warm IV fluids when available
- Consider CPAP for suspected CHF/Pulmonary edema
- AnaphylacticShock (Distributive) Protocol if necessary
- Obtain Vascular Access
- Traumatic Shock – Permissive Hypotension
- If SBP greater than 90
- No IV fluid bolus
- Saline lock IV site
- if SPB less than 90 lolus 500ml LR, reasses
- Non-traumatic shock
- Fluid bolus: 500 ml LR, repeat up to 2 liters prn
- Cardiogenic Shock: CHF/Pulmonary edema
- Apply Oxygen
- Consider CPAP
- Shock unresponsive to other measures:
- Norepinephrine 2-20 mcg/min IV/IO. Titrate to maintain SBP >90 mmHg. Refractory shock: 8-30 mcg/kg/min
- Nitroglycerin0.4 mg SL for pulmonary edema/CHF if SBP > 140 mmHg, may repeat x 3 every 5 minutes
- Consider BiPAP for pulmonary edema/CHF
not to exceed adult dose
- Consider CPAP for suspected CHF/Pulmonary edema
- Anaphylactic Shock (Distributive) Protocol if necessary
- Obtain Vascular Access
- Traumatic Shock – Permissive Hypotension
- If SBP greater than 90
- No IV fluid bolus
- Saline lock IV site
- if SPB less than 80 blolus 20ml/kg LR, reasses
- Non-traumatic shock
- Fluid bolus: 20ml/kg LR, reasses
- Cardiogenic Shock: CHF/Pulmonary edema
- Pain Management Protocol
- Shock Protocol if applicable
- Shock unresponsive to other measures:
- Norepinephrine 0.05-0.1 mcg/kg IV/IO, titrate to maintain SBP >70 + (age in years x 2) mmHg